Frostbite takes paws of cat

By: Tanya Stroman
Many times, particularly in the south, we will coop ourselves and our pets in the house to avoid any dangers during this time. But don’t let the weather control the exercise and quality time your pets should be enjoying.

I am no way saying that your pets should be locked outside . Yes , in my opinion that’s abuse. But our pets aren’t feeble beings and there are ways for them to enjoy themselves during the winter months with creativity and safety precautions in use.

Winter has the benefit of being a great time to enjoy fresh air and exercise. I am going to provide you with precautions for you and your pet to keep safe during this time. Here is a top list of advice to help your pets cope with winter weather.

1) One misconception among people is that cats and dogs can withstand coldtemperatures simply because they have fur. Let’s straighten this out now, while it’s true that some large dog breeds are well equipped for the cold weather, others are more sensitive. Provide your fair-weathered pets with a coat and boots.

2) I am not a believer in keeping my cats outdoors. That’s for several reasons. Yet I do understand some owners don’t mind their cats outside for a couple of hours. Know this, cats usually don’t stay outdoors for long when it’s very cold. Yes their temperament for cold is the same as ours. They will protect themselves from cold weather so help them. Always check the upcoming forecast before letting your cat out. If you are not going to be home to let your cat back into the house, don’t let it out.

A list of winter-related conditions to watch out for in your pet:


When animals are exposed to freezing temperatures for an extended period, they are vulnerable to frostbite on their extremities, including ear tips, foot pads and belly. When a dog or cat is exposed to cold temperatures, its body reacts in stages:

1) Your pet’s fur provides insulation just like us when wearing a coat. Their hairs, when exposed to cold air, undergo pilo-erection. This is like you and I getting goose bumps. The hairs “stand up” trapping the air in that layer. This air is warmed by the body and adds additional insulation.

2) When the body’s core temperature decreases, an involuntary reflex by the skeletal muscles known as “shivering” is triggered to generate heat and warm you up. Animals, like humans, experience this same reaction.

3) When the body is really getting cold and the animal’s life may be at risk, the body responds by vasoconstricting the peripheral tissues. This means the body is being selective in where it is sending warm blood.
The organs are the most important to keep both an animal and human alive so that blood is circulating in the core of the body (heart, liver, kidney lungs,) and shuts down temporally by constricting blood vessels to the extremities until the body’s normal temperature is attained.

4) If a cat or dog is still exposed to the cold by this stage, frostbite will develop. In extreme cases, frostbite can mean the loss of limbs, toes and ear tips.

If you suspect your animal is suffering from frostbite, start administering first aid immediately to avoid permanent damage. Please ensure you seek veterinary assistance as frostbite can be dangerous if left untreated.

Here are some first aid tips to keep your pet safe:

1) Warm the affected area slowly with warm water using towels.

2) If it is a limb or paw that is frozen, soak it only in a bath or bowl of warm water

3) Dry gently after you have the warmed the area

4) Do not rub or massage the frozen tissue.

5) Do not apply snow or ice.

6) Do not immerse your pet completely in a bath this will cause the body temperature to decrease and cause hypothermia.


Make sure that frostbite is treated. If frostbite goes untreated, hypothermia can develop. Hypothermia is an abnormal lowering of the body’s temperature. This is a serious condition that can cause unconsciousness, shock and even the death of a pet. Be careful, however, as frostbite alone is not a guaranteed precursor to hypothermia.

If you suspect hypothermia, it is best to seek medical treatment from your veterinarian as this condition can worsen without proper care. While they are being transported to the veterinarian there are a number of methods you can use to stabilize your pet :

1) Warm your pet slowly using blankets
2) Put warm water in plastic bottles then wrap in towels to prevent burns.
3) Use plastic zip lock bags filled with uncooked rice that you warm in the microwave for 1-2 minutes then wrap in a towel.


• Provide winter footwear for pets – they may squirm and make a fuss at first, but their paws will thank you!
• Avoid too much walking on salt – wipe your pet’s feet!
• Don’t leave pets in the car during cold weather
• Keep pets away from the fireplace

By: Tanya S.

Last month I wrote a blog called “Why Do Dogs Eat Poop?!.
It’s a mystical phenomenon that many of us do not understand . This month is a follow up . I will give you solutions to help deter this gross habit that the fur baby we are in love with has. I decided to post this because I’ve had many clients, as of late as well as professional pet sitters asking me for solutions. I will share some of my homemade solutions as well as solutions from professionals in the pet care industry .


The more common sense approach to deterring your dog from eating poop is to make it taste bad. Lets see what’s in our house that will help us with this solution .

1) Where as lemon juice and hot sauce are great health benefits to us( master cleanse diet) coating these ingredients in stool is a very bad taste.

2). How many of us love pumpkin pie, pumpkin cake or just fresh pumpkin? Mm Mmm delicious . Yet coating two tablespoons into feces, yuck yuck yuck to the palate.

3) For all you meat lovers , share that meat tenderizer in your dog’s food. By the time it comes out as excrement , it leaves a very bad taste to make your dog think twice.


1) When a dog begins to eat poop, that’s a big red flag that they are are not getting the nutrients needed from their diet. Switch to a healthier diet for your pet’s sake. You can cook or buy quality food that is formulated for the dog’s age, breed and any medical issues. Check out our food by Flint River Ranch.

2) Coprophagia is also a sign he’s not eating enough. Increase the amount of nutritious food your dog is eating . Flint River Ranch had good quality that you can feed with out the worry of weight gain.

3) Take your fur baby to your veterinarian for an examination for underlying medical and health problems, parasites and other problems that may be compelling him to eat feces.

4) Stop the access to poop. There are many reasons we encourage pet owners to havedoggy bags or a pooper scooper while walking. It not only keeps our neighborhoods clean but it stops the access of feces.

5) Walk your dog more and give him better exercise regimen . During the walks you can train him and control his proximity to other feces on the ground. Don’t have the time for those walking routines and know it’s necessary? Call us, Happy Walk Happy Dog for daily mid-day walks and daily twice a day walks/run.

6) As soon as your
dog starts approaching excrement, tell her ‘nah-ah-ahhh’ or ‘leave it!’, and distract her with praise supported with a treat, clicker click, playtime or other action or activity that is appealing to the dog. This will convey the idea that it is more rewarding to attend to you than to attend to poop. As soon as she turns her attention to her, praise her (‘Good dog!’) and reward her. A wise practice is to always carry appealing tidbit treats, a favorite toy, clicker – something you can always use to effectively gain your dog’s attention and reinforce desired behaviors. Once you get her attention, give her something positive to do. For example, tell her to ‘Sit’, reward her for listening, then proceed to an enjoyable activity such as playing or walking together. Distract her from undesired things like feces, and substitute a good, desired behavior such as sitting and attending to you. A dog who is interacting with her owner can’t be investigating poop at the same time.

7) If your baby is pooping in the house, it’s another reason to call Happy Walk Happy Dogto get them on a regular schedule and decrease the loneliness.

I hope these tips help all of you to deal with the issue of Coprophagia and resolve it.

Til Next Time….

By: Tanya L. Stroman

Hooray! Spring is here, almost here, ..ok Just around the corner! I myself have been waiting for spring. I am  not really a winter type type gal. Spring is my 2nd favorite season behind Autumn.  I love it because it always feels like everything new and positive is just around the corner. As much as I love Spring , I don’t believe Spring loves me as much because I have the most allergies. One thing I have learned as a pet parent and a professional pet sitter, our pet’s health tends to synchronize with ours. I have noticed everytime a doctor says something is affecting me, one of my fur babies tend to have the same affliction. So immediately I like to take care of anything to make sure all of my babies are healthy. I tend to get accused alot of caring more for my fur-babies than myself because I will always make sure they are healthy and not uncomfortable. That doesn’t mean that I care less for myself, I just take my committments seriously.

I want to help other pet parents  to learn to be progressive and take preventative care of their fur-babies.  It assures those babies will have a high quality of life.  So here  are some tips that will help ward off or at least minimize any health problems and a big vet bill.

Easter Is Just Around The Corner

Besides celebration of the day Christ arose, many people enjoy the flowers and candies which are tradition with Easter celebrations. Well, chocolate goodies are toxic to cats, dogs and ferrets, and flowers such as lilies can be fatal if ingested by our furry friends. Our kitties are curious creatures and they love to nibble on colorful plastic grass, which can lead to an obstructed digestive tract, severe vomiting and dehydration.  Alsobunnies, chicks and other festive animals are adorable animals as well. But prepare for your expense because these babies grow up fast and often require specialized care.

Homes Needs Safety Proof Screens

Not unlike myself , many people feel the love of spring and like to become one with nature. One way we connect with nature is leaving our windows open to feel that wonderful breeze. I mentioned earlier about my allergies.   I limit those fresh air moments.  It is advised to do the same for your pets.Surprisingly , leaving windows open put your pets at risk—especially cats, who are apt to jump or fall through unscreened windows. Be sure to install snug and sturdy screens in all of your windows. If you have adjustable screens, make sure they are tightly wedged into window frames.
Attachments Are Not Always Unhealthy

My babies absolutely love to ride in cars and feel the wind on their faces. And so does every other pet. While we pet parents love to give our dogs that joy,allowing them to ride in the bed of pick-up trucks or stick their heads out of moving-car windows is dangerous. Flying debris and insects can cause inner ear or eye injuries and lung infections, and abrupt stops or turns can cause major injury, or worse! So secure your pets in a crate or even a customized seat belts. Lots of seat belts are unsafe as well for your dogs. I will be discussing this in another blog.

The Freshness of Spring

I am going to admit. I may sometimes get a little obsessed in cleaning my house but its not because I enjoy it. Cleaning, especially Spring cleaning is a must. and should be made into a yearly tradition in your household. I know I have a tendency of using strong cleaners such are ammonia and clorox.  These are cleaners that are hazardous not only to you but your pets. Keep all cleaners and chemicals out of your pets’ way.  The key to using them safely is to read and follow label directions for proper use and storage.

DIY Projects 101

As I mature , I notice that I become more self sufficient and love the Do-It-Yourself Projects. Many products that are used with projects are paints, mineral spirits and solvents  and it can be toxic to your fur-baby and cause severe irritation or chemical burns. Again, carefully read all labels to see if the product is safe to use around your furry friends. And be cautious of physical hazards, including nails, staples, insulation, blades and power tools. It may be wise to confine your dog or cat to a designated pet-friendly room during home improvement projects.

One With Nature

Another great healthy way of living is gardening. It’s not just for the elderly to do. Many of us love to grow our own vegetables and fruits. Its our attempt at being green.  Well pet parents, I urge to consider carefully what fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides you to  keep your plants and lawns healthy and green. The ingredients aren’t meant for four-legged consumption and can be fatal if your pet ingests them.  Always store these poisonous products in out-of-the-way places and follow label instructions carefully. If you want more  gardening tips, click this link : Pet Safe Gardening.

Plants Can Be Poisonous Too

We garden because we are aware it can be more healthy for us.! But not every plant is health for us or our animals. I mentioned earlier that Easter lillies are toxic to pets. Other popular springtime plants that are toxic and fatal to pets are rhododendron and azaleas. Don’t allow your pets to eat them. If you want a more detailed list of plants and flowers that are toxic and non-toxic to pets, check out  this list : Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants.

Allergies,Oh Nooo!

I am very sensitive to certain foods, plants, dust and pollen and so are my pets.  Some allergic reactions in dogs and cats are minor sniffling and sneezing as well as life-threatening anaphylactic shock. Don’t hesitate and act quickly if you feel your pet has Spring time allergies. Take them to vet! More Allergy Tips , Click these links: Dog Allergies and Cat Allergies.

Pestering Insects!

One downside to Spring is onslaught of bugs. I learned my lesson years ago about the effects of Heartworm disease. And believe me, no pet parent want their fur babies suffering this illness. So,make sure your pet is on year-round heartworm preventive medication, as well as a flea and tick control program. I would also spray my house , especially living quarters to prevent ticks and fleas. Let your vet customize a preventative plan for you. ( Heartworm Lesson)

Its All About The Outdoors

It’s a fact that warm weather increases our endorphin and serotonin levels. It makes us happy. And when this happens it means more trips to the park, longer walks and your pet baby will want to explore more and wander off. One thing I am a stickler about is keeping my dogs on a leash. But many pet parents have babies that are trained off leash. Therefore, they are at high risk of their pet getting involved in many things they should stay away from.  To lower that risk,,ake sure your dog or cat has a microchip for identification and wears a tag imprinted with your home address, cell phone and any other relevant contact information.  Another Tip : Your canine baby should wear flat (never choke) collars, please.

I hope these tips help. If you suspect that your pets have made contact or ingested poisonous substances, Contact your Vet immediately!

Til Next Time….

Every time I turn on the computer or get a notification from my smartphone, there is another recall on pet foods and treats. I'm sure many pet parents like me are concerned about the food they are giving their furry baby. What is going on? Is there a brand of pet food we can trust?

Katie Burns wrote an article in the Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association on February 15, 2013 . She states that pet food recalls are virtually unchanged. She states what has changed is the media attention on this issue.

Well lets look at the pet foods that have been recalled lately.

<strong>Pet Foods Recalled</strong>

Solid Gold has issued a recall for two of their dog foods with specific batch codes as a precautionary measure. To date according to Solid Gold, no cases of salmonella have been linked to these foods.

Apex Dog Food has issued a voluntary recall for all of their dry dog foods manufactured on January 24, 2012. The recalled foods were distributed only in South Carolina. To date, Apex Dog Food claims there have been no cases of salmonella linked to these foods.

Canidae has issued a voluntary recall of four of their dog foods, at this time the recall covers only dry dog foods with production codes with both a number “3” in the 9th digit and an “X” in the 10th or 11th digit – and a best before dates of December 9, 2012, through January 31, 2013. These products were distributed in the following states: Florida, Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Tennessee.

Wellness Dog Food has issued a voluntary recall on one of their dog foods with specific best by dates. According to Wellness, they no longer conduct business with Diamond Pet Foods and none of their other dog foods were affected by the salmonella outbreak.

Natural Balance has issued a voluntary recall on some of their dry dog food options. To date, Natural Balance claims that no cases of canine salmonella poisoning have been linked with their foods and none of the recalled foods have tested positive for contamination.

Kirkland Dog Food has issued a voluntary dog food recall on a number of their dry dog food products.

Nature’s Variety has announced a voluntary recall of one batch of Instinct® Raw Organic Chicken Formula with a “Best if Used By” date of 10/04/13.

Kasel Associated Industries is recalling all products manufactured at its Denver, Colorado, facility from April 20, 2012, thru September 19, 2012.
The products may be contaminated with Salmonella.

Honest Kitchen had voluntarily recalled five lots of its Verve, Zeal and Thrive dog foods because they may be contaminated with Salmonella bacteria.

The following brands are also affected by the recall. No specifics have been provided as to the recall.

Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul.
Country Value.
Diamond Naturals.
Premium Edge.
Taste of the Wild.

<strong>Why Are These Pet Foods Recalled</strong>

The Diamond Dog Food plant located in Gaston, South Carolina tested positive for the presence of salmonella. As a result of this, all pet food companies that conducted business with this plant within a specific time period are recalling their pet food products.

These recalls have just as much to do with human safety as pet safety. Dan McChesney PhD, Director of the Office of Surveillance and Compliance at the Food and Drug Administration Center for Veterinary Medicine says the pet food recall involves Salmonella contamination. He believes pet foods are safe.

Salmonella poses a much higher risk for pet owners than to the pets themselves. There have been no confirmed cases of Salmonellosis in pets from pet food recalls, though human illnesses have been reported. In most cases Salmonellosis in pets is associated with raw home made diets.
Dr. Kate KuKanich Assistant Professor of small animal internal medicine at Kansas State University came to this conclusion in her research.

Matter of fact the ratings of the pet food industry are still very high when it comes to safety. And efforts are continuously made to place stronger emphasis on pet food safety. So yes the awareness of pet food recalls continued to rise. But pet parents , what that means is that pet food safety, which is already good will get better. So Relax.

<strong>What To Do If Your Pet Food is Recalled</strong>

If you have a bag of dog food that is covered under the recall at this time

1) Stop feeding the product even if your dog shows no signs of salmonella poisoning .
2) It is also important that any time you handle this food; you wash your hands thoroughly to avoid contracting salmonella poisoning.
3) Check your pet food's company website to find out the procedure of compensation for the return.

<strong>Signs of Poisoning in Dogs</strong>

While most dogs are hardy and can bounce back from a salmonella infection once the offending source has been removed, this is not always true. In some dogs such as those taking antibiotics, the elderly, the newborn and those with pre-existing medical conditions, salmonella can have a devastating effect. Some of the common signs of salmonella poisoning in a dog include the following:

Mucus in Stool
Miscarriage or spontaneous abortion
Weight loss
Rapid heart rate
Blood in the stool
Low white blood cell count
Low platelet levels
Low albumin
Non-regenerative anemia
Electrolyte imbalances

If your dog displays any of these symptoms it is important to take them to your veterinarian immediately in order to prevent more serious symptoms. One of the most commonly seen symptoms to develop in cases of salmonella is dehydration resulting from chronic diarrhea. Dehydration can be prevented by your vet by the administration of IV fluids. Your vet may also recommend performing a number of tests to ensure that your dog is suffering from salmonella poisoning. In a case where a dog is suffering from a severe case of salmonella poisoning the vet may recommend an antimicrobial. It is also advised to put a dog on a 48 hour food restricted diet if possible in order to help to eliminate the cause of the infection.

<strong>Switching Your Dog To A New Food</strong>

Switching your dog to a new food is always recommended after a recall. Most dogs, when undergoing a sudden diet change may experience some gastrointestinal discomfort. <a href="http://www.frrco.com/123513">Happy Walk Happy Dog</a> is a distributor of <a href="http://www.frrco.com/123513">Flint River Ranch</a>. <a href="http://www.frrco.com/123513">Flint River Ranch</a> dog food formula is <strong>oven-baked</strong> and comes in an easy-to-eat size kibble. It's ingredients contain Rice and Wheat which is easily digestible for dogs. There is no corn or by products of meat. It has 23% protein and is concentrated so your dog becomes full on less food. That helps in controlling your dog's weight. Please contact me or visit my website for more info and to order at <a href="http://www.frrco.com/123514">Flint River Ranch</a>
The Honest Kitchen has today announced it is voluntarily recalling five lots of its Verve, Zeal and Thrive dog foods because they may be contaminated with Salmonella bacteria.

The items were produced between August and November 2012 and sold nationwide in the US and Canada via retail stores, mail order and online after August 2012.
No other Honest Kitchen production dates, batches, or products are affected.
About Salmonella
Healthy people infected with Salmonella should monitor themselves for some or all of the following symptoms:
Diarrhea or bloody diarrhea
Abdominal cramping
Salmonella can result in more serious ailments, including arterial infections, endocarditis, arthritis, muscle pain, eye irritation, and urinary tract symptoms.
Consumers exhibiting these signs after having contact with this product should contact their healthcare providers.
Animals with Salmonella infections may be lethargic and have diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, fever, and vomiting. Some animals will have only decreased appetite, fever and abdominal pain.
Infected but otherwise healthy animals can be carriers and infect other animals or humans.
If your animals have consumed the recalled product and display these symptoms, you are advised to contact your veterinarian.
About the Recall
The Company is taking this action after learning that one of its raw ingredients suppliers has recalled a batch of human‐grade parsley that may contain Salmonella .
The batch of parsley was shipped to the Company in 2012 and used in the production of five lots of Honest Kitchen products.
The Honest Kitchen claims to regularly test for Salmonella and other pathogens as part of its quality control process — and has not received to date received any reports of illness associated with these product lots.
The Company is proceeding with this action to ensure the safety and quality of its products.
According to Lucy Postins, company founder and CEO…
“While our quality control tests did not find evidence of Salmonella in any of our finished products, we are accountable for everything we make, and are taking precautionary action to ensure the safety and integrity of our products.”

What to Do?
Consumers who purchased the above lots of Honest Kitchen Verve, Zeal or Thrive products should stop feeding the products to their pets, remove the UPC (bar code) and lot code from the packaging, and discard the contents in a covered trash receptacle.
Lot codes are located on the top of product boxes either adjacent to or opposite the UPC.
For questions, consumers are invited to call the company at (866) 437-9729. Or send an email to [email protected].
Customer service representatives will be available Monday through Friday, 8 am to 4 pm PST.
You can report complaints about FDA-regulated pet food products by calling the consumer complaint coordinator in your area.
Or go to http://www.fda.gov/petfoodcomplaints.

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What’s Being Recalled?
The lots being recalled are:

A day or two ago, I wrote in my blog, Scoop the Poop about how my heart was torn because I had to let go of a rescue dog I recently adopted. He was over aggressive , scared my pets and me as well because he has an unpredictable temper and he bites. It was the main reason he was placed in the shelter. The Northeast Georgia Humane society has been great because they kept him alive and put him in training with a behaviorist. I was another in line to adopt this pet who thought I would be able to handle him and his temper with the love and attention I would shower him. Well he awoke me from my fantasy and I recognized it was too much for me to handle. I felt ashamed because I pride myself on being able to handle and care for any dog. Yet I recognized that I had to let him go. I only did it after realizing that the NE GA Humane Society and I discussed his next steps and the extensive training he will go through with a behaviorist. I felt comfortable because I could tell they genuinely cared for him and his life like I did.

The blog:( When Is The Time To Give Up On An Aggressive Dog )

While contemplating if I should let him go, one of the determining issues was the legal aspect. What if he had bitten the dog clients I have in my house, my parents, my boyfriend’s parents or the kids? That’s plenty of lawsuits we couldn’t afford. So it was the right thing to do.

Today I read an article dealing with this exact issue and I want to share it with you. It’s called : How to Limit Your Liability If Your Dog Bites

Til Next Time…

Animal Abuse: Such a Big No-No!Posted on February 16, 2013

I recently read a story about a man who was arrested because he was caught red handed abusing a cocker spaniel in the street. He was caught by a passerby in a car who stopped to save the dog. God bless that man. The man got out of the car after witnessing a cocker spaniel getting punched in the face SIX times. The two men argued and the abuser was reported and arrested. What hurt my heart even more was finding out the abuser was a pet sitter. I don’t believe he was a professional pet sitter but in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter. Another animal was abused by a human.

Prosecuting acts of animal cruelty like this one is not only important for the sake of animals. It is also an essential step in protecting our communities. The evidence supporting the connection between animal cruelty and other serious crimes is overwhelming.
The realization is that there is a stong link between animal abuse and human abuse. Many animal abusers later go on to violently harm people, so it is a serious issue.
And with a large percentage of criminals being animal abusers. And animal abusers are a threat to our society.
But my focus right now is on the animals that are abused and its affect.

Deliberate cruelty to animals and negligence includes physically assaulting an animal, starving it, or keeping it in an unsuitable environment. This causes suffering. Animals experience pain, fear, boredom, loneliness etc just like we do. It can also cause physiological and health problems that include injury ,reduced immune response, increased susceptibility to disease ,digestive problems ,reduced reproductive fitness, increased stress hormones,increased heart rate and blood pressure,aggression ,depression, and stereotypic behaviors, such as pacing, head swaying, bar gnawing and self-harm.
Bottom line,animals are like humans, they feel the pain and have the fear. Their disadvantage is they are often helpless victims because they can’t say what happened to them. In fact, some people choose to abuse animals instead of people for this very reason! If we wish to create a humane society, we must stop cruelty against those who are most vulnerable-like animals.

So where do we start?

1) One of the most powerful tools we have for preventing cruelty to animals is education. It is important to plant the seeds of kindness in children early, and to nurture their development as the child grows. Children not only need to learn what they shouldn’t do, but also what they can do. When children see that their pets are happy and loving, it will make the child feel good, too. This in turn will help the children care for their pets’ feelings.

2) Don’t be afraid

Get to know and look out for the animals in your neighborhood. By being aware, you’re more likely to notice, for example, that the dog next door who was once hefty has lost weight rapidly—a possible indicator of abuse.

3) Know who to Call to report animal abuse.

Every state and every town are different. In some areas, you may have to rely on the police department to investigate animal cruelty; in others, you may have to contact local animal control or another municipal agency. If you aren’t sure where to report cruelty, here is a link to help you out. Report Animal Cruelty section.

4) Provide as much as information as possible when reporting animal cruelty. The details that you provide can go a long way toward assisting an investigating officer. It helps to write down the type of cruelty you witnessed, who was involved, the date of the incident and where it took place.

5) Fight for the passage of strong anti-cruelty laws on federal, state and local levels .With stronger laws come tougher penalties. Here in Atlanta,GA several federal, state and local laws have been passed regarding animals. The majority of these laws focus on the protection of animals as well as pet ownership, sale, and breeding. Animal Law also deal with legal issues such as veterinary malpractice, food production, use of animals for entertainment purposes, property rental for pet owners pets, and providing for the care of pets after the death of its owner. The Georgia Animal Protection Society is a great place to start. Happy Walk Happy Dog is involved.

6) Finally, Set a good example for others. If you have pets, be sure to always show them the love and good care they deserve. But it’s more than just food, water, and adequate shelter. If you think your animal is sick, bring him to the veterinarian. Be responsible and have your animals spayed or neutered. And give your pets lots of hugs!

In conclusion , Happy Walk Happy Dog doesn’t condone abuse in any way. I would bet the abuser that was arrested was not a professional pet sitter but someone doing a favor for a friend . And I don’t want pet owners allow this to inhibit them for getting great care for their pet. As a professional pet sitter, we are thoroughly vetted. Background checks are done and references are given. Happy Walk Happy Dog also involves itself in the fight against animal abuse. We are members of The Pet Professional Guild which prides itself on educating the public against abuse and raising pets without the use of force. We actively foster pets, volunteer with rescue organizations by giving them free walks and donations. Join us in helping to make the quality of life for pets better.

Til Next Time….

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    Nature’s Variety has announced a voluntary recall of one batch of Instinct® Raw Organic Chicken Formula with a “Best if Used By” date of 10/04/13. This action is being taken because pieces of clear plastic may be found in some bags and could cause a potential choking risk to pets. The source of plastic has been identified and the issue has been resolved.

    The affected product is strictly limited to a single batch of Organic Chicken Formula with the “Best if Used By” date of 10/04/13. This includes:
    UPC# 7 69949 60137 1 – Instinct Raw Organic Chicken Formula medallions, 3 lbs. bag
    UPC# 7 69949 70137 8 – Instinct Raw Organic Chicken Formula medallions, 27 lbs. case
    UPC# 7 69949 60127 2 – Instinct Raw Organic Chicken Formula patties, 6 lbs. bag
    UPC# 7 69949 70127 9 – Instinct Raw Organic Chicken Formula patties, 36 lbs. case

    The “Best if Used By” date is located on the back of the package below the “Contact Us” section. The affected product was distributed through retail stores and internet sales in the United States and Canada. No other products were impacted.

    Nature’s Variety became aware of a potential issue after receiving a consumer complaint. The source of the issue was identified and resolved. To date, there have been no reports of harm to dogs or cats.

    Reed Howlett, CEO of Nature’s Variety, stated, “At Nature’s Variety we take quality and safety very seriously. We believe that under all circumstances, the health and safety of pets comes first.”

    Consumers feeding the affected product should discontinue use and monitor their pet’s health, and contact their veterinarian if they have concerns. Consumers who have purchased one of the above products can obtain a full refund or exchange by either returning the product in its original packaging or bringing a proof of purchase back to their retailer.

    Consumers with additional questions can call the Nature’s Variety Consumer Relations team at 1.888.519.7387 Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST. Or, questions can be emailed directly to [email protected].

    Banana Joe, an Affenpinscher, won Best of Show during the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. (Photo credit: STAN HONDA/AFP/Getty Images)

    NEW YORK (CBS/AP) — Banana Joe is very appealing, in any language.

    The little affenpinscher with a monkey face added to his world of success Tuesday night, winning best in show at the Westminster Kennel Club.

    Read More here…..http://boston.cbslocal.com/2013/02/13/westminster-dog-show-winner-banana-joe-from-attleboro/

    You snooze, you lose? Not when you're as adorable as this Bichon Frise

    It may be Fat Tuesday, but as any dog lover knows, the real action is at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.

    Dogs of every shape, size and color – including two new breeds who were admitted into competition this year – have taken over several New York City locations, including Madison Square Garden, and the contest is starting to get fur-rocious.

    Check out the rest this story here :

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